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East Coast Baby!

If you’re on the Instagram and into bikes, you are probably already following Clubstyle Eastcoast  If you’re not, start!! The content is awesome and the guy that runs the page is an awesome dude!! Check out our interview below…..

1. Can you tell the readers your name and claim to Insta-fame?  

Haha no insta fame, I will leave that to the “influencers”.  Nick Caciopoli

2.  Clubstyle_eastcoast has really blown up, so congrats on that…what gave you the idea and have you exceeded your expectations?

So back in 2018 I was in a bunch of Facebook groups about our style bikes but there was always drama and stuff so I figured let me start an Instagram and just highlight people’s builds and hopefully it will be less dramatic than the FB groups I was in (and oddly enough I have drama going on now haha first time).  It definitely exceeded my expectations for sure.  I mean I thought maybe there would be 100 to 200 followers, and it just blew up.  I’m grateful mostly just because I met so many cool people over the years through the page 

3. I personally dig the content on the page. Are you at the point where your DM gets flooded with content? 

Yes it’s hard to keep up sometimes but I do try my best.  Between working full time, night school, home life…it’s a lot 

4. At the risk of kicking up some dust…looks like you have a little crusade going on currently with a motorcycle parts manufacturer and convicted pedophile…a lot folks these days seem afraid to speak out about this shit or make excuses!  How’d this all go down? 

So I’m not the one that brought this all to light.  I seen it on Hale’s Speed Shop page and then reposted it.  This community has zero tolerance for that stuff and people need to know who their money is going.  From there things got real spicy hahaha, the bottom line is anyone that is convicted of being a Child predator has no business in the Biker Community, not here, not ever.  And the people defending this person are just as bad.  But it got weird too, the dude bought like 100k Instagram followers to prop himself up I guess I don’t know super weird, he posted a video putting his own business out there also…and it was the lamest fake story ever created, then some Only Fans fake Motorcycle “Influencer” tried saying animals are more important than children…and it just keeps getting weirder.  Hahaha honestly I can’t wait to not have to have this crap on my feed anymore…but also the one time I will embrace drama is when it involves scumbag shit like P3dos and their enablers.  Fuck them then, fuck them today, fuck them tomorrow fuck them forever!

5. What first got you into motorcycles and when did you start riding?  

Hahaha so funny enough…I have always been a muscle car guy, first car was an Iroc Z, had a R33 Nissan Skyline GTR when I was stationed in Japan, had a Hemi Charger  a Hemi Challenger…always loved muscle cars and never rode bikes.  My dad always had a motorcycle, but it was my wife that got me itching to ride.  She has a lot of friends that ride and in clubs she knows from her Bartending days   They were all cool as hell and being around that all the time…I just got the itch and never looked back

6. I gotta come clean,  I got a bit of a crush on your Wu Tang Bike….it’s sick!!  Can you tell us bit about that bike and the idea for the Wu Tang theme? 

Hahaha thanks brother.  Yeah so I was actually planning the Wu Tang theme for about a year before I did it.   There was only 1 or 2 people that knew, I just wanted to do something cool, different and that Screams “East Coast” and I think I accomplished that.  and my painter Weights and Paints really knocked it out of the park.  But it’s more than just paint,  its a 2015 SB and its got110 motor swapped and worked, front and rear suspension, clutch, mags, rotors, bars……blah blah blah hahaha it has the works.  But I have been building since 2016, lots of trial and error and swapping stuff out   I’m on my 7th exhaust for that bike hahahaha I’m always getting bored and trying out new stuff to see what I like best.  My wife thinks I’m a nut job hahaha

7. What’s the dream bike for you? Anything you lusting after? 

So, IF…..and i mean IF Buell can deliver and mass produce that bike that Riland Sands Desings made for them, and at least around that price point they stated …thats a game changer.  Harley will have to change course and rethink their whole line up, its that sick of a bike, HOWEVER…thats a whole lot of bike for a $20k to $25k price point so I’m not convinced the production model will be anything like the one we saw get revealed by Buell.  Time will tell though

8. um…let’s talk about that Mustang you acquired.  I dig that thing…you post said you were never a big Mustang guy, but here we are!! what made you pull the trigger and I am sure you are not regretting it?!!!  

So since I retired from the Navy in 2018 i have been enjoying my toys hahaha and man something about the Shelby GT350 just called out to me.  Plus I have to respect the fact that Ford Never discontinued the Mustang, and straight up said they will always build V8 Mustangs until they are banned by the government.  I mean how can you not want to support some “Merica” shit like that.  Especially with the Camaro being discontinued again, Challenger…hone, Cgarger…electric and possible V6 Turbo engine.  Nah, give me the Shelby all day every day   No regrets here that car is so much fun.  I have to drive with WAZE on and my radar detector on the windshield so I can stay out of trouble hahaha

9. So, when it’s not bikes and cars…what are you spending time one? 

Mostly chilling with my wife and dog, video chatting with my sons they both go to college in Tokyo, and once in a while hopping on the PS5.  But mostly I’m riding around or driving around clearing my head, that’s where I always find my peace…on the road

10. What’s next for Clubstyle_Eastcoast  and where can folks check ya out?   

So my Instagram is Clubstyle Eastcoast and I’m mostly on there.  People ask me all the time why I don’t do a YouTube, but honestly I’m no “influencer” and I really don’t like making anything about me, I just enjoy highlighting people’s cool ass builds, meeting people and being intrenched in the scene.  I met so many cool people over the years.  So what’s next…I guess I will just keep doing what I do hopefully until I die, but if the Hipsters keep infiltrating the scene I may have to make another Instagram dedicated to de-influencing the Hipster “Influencers” hahahahahaha  And don’t get me wrong, their are plenty of OGs that are influencers and I fuck with them, they are cool.  It’s just some of the new cats that have this sense of self importance that really kill me ya know.  FTW let’s make motorcycles intimidating again! 

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